a - z指数


  1. 你家有烟雾探测器吗?
  2. 你的车有备胎吗?
  3. Is there a box of bandages in your medicine cabinet?

If you answered yes to any of the questions, then you have experiences in preparing for an emergency. These may seem like small things but small things can save lives.

紧急情况发生! It can be a tornado, fire, armed intruder, flood, or a 水 shortage. No one wants to think about accidents or disasters. But being prepared for an emergency can help protect you. The whole point of emergency preparation is to do as much as possible before an emergency happens. Working together, we can be prepared and save lives.

The most important thing to remember in an emergency is to stay calm. If something happens, try to get as much information about the situation as possible. Many of us rely on TV, the radio, or the Internet for news. But some emergencies might knock out the electricity, which is why it is important to have a battery-powered radio nearby.

澳门网上博彩官方网站 has a plan designed to protect the public, 当地居民, 和财产. But you are responsible for your own safety, even in an emergency. This booklet focuses on preparing you by using the following steps: create a plan for you, 为你的车准备一个急救箱, 居民和/或工作, listen for information about what to do and where to go during an actual emergency.


为自己制定一个应急计划. You might not be with someone when an emergency happens. That's why it is important to have a plan in place.

Determine how you will reach others in different situations. You might think about a couple of different plans that encompass different emergencies. Consider contacting a friend, or setting up a calling tree or emergency email list. Plan for two situations; staying home or leaving.


You should be prepared to stay in one place (like your residence) or to evacuate. Deciding whether it is best to stay or go depends on the type of emergency. 官员可能会告诉你需要做什么.

在某些情况下, limited communication and information may require you to decide what is best for you and your family.

  • Watch TV or listen to the radio to get as much information as possible.
  • 运用常识.
  • 尽量保持冷静,也让别人保持冷静.

Know Where Your Safe Shelter is Located Within Your Residence or Work Building

在紧急情况之前, decide which room in your residence or place of work is the designated shelter area if you have to stay. The room should be in the interior of the facility and should have few windows and doors.

Keep emergency supplies in the designated shelter room. Listen to the television or a battery-powered radio for information.


Sometimes it may not be safe to stay in your residence or place of work. Plan where you will all meet outside of your facility. 提前知道你要去哪里.

  • Plan several different routes in different directions.
  • If you are driving, keep windows and vents 关闭d, and air conditioning and heat off.
  • 如果你在开车时遇到龙卷风, exit your vehicle and lie face down in a ditch or low lying area.
  • 带上一个应急用品包.


If an emergency happens you might not be able to get food or 水 at traditional locations for a short period of time. 你的电也可能不工作. 检查所有的媒体渠道(9频道), 住宿生活人员, 电子邮件, KXCV, KZLX)的食物, 水, 或者避难所和分发点.


  • 电池收音机
  • 手电筒
  • 收音机和手电筒的备用电池
  • 急救箱
  • 纸和笔
  • 高热量、不易腐烂的食物  


  • Keep a small, portable emergency supply kit in your care at all times.
  • 罐头食品和手动开罐器
  • 一个睡袋或额外的毯子
  • 额外的钱
  • 急救箱
  • 雨衣
  • 手套
  • 纸和笔


在紧急情况下保持冷静是很重要的. Get as much information about the situation as possible. Many of us rely on TV, the radio, or e-mail for news. But some emergencies might knock out the electricity. Make sure to have a battery-powered radio with extra batteries.

Northwest, City of Maryville, and Nodaway County all have developed emergency plans. During an emergency, it is important to follow their instructions and advice. They will provide you with the latest information.


Know where your medicines and special medical equipment are located in case you need to have someone get it during an evacuation. Equipment such as wheelchairs, canes, or walkers should be labeled with you name.

People living in a residence hall that are disabled or have a special medical need should identify people who can help them during an emergency. Make sure these people know where you keep your emergency supplies. Medical-alert tags are bracelets which help identify your disability if you need medical attention. If you need dialysis or another life sustaining treatment, 知道多个设施的位置. A supply kit for people with special needs should include the following additional items:

  • A list of prescription and nonprescription medications, including dosages
  • 过敏清单
  • Extra eyeglasses and hearing aid batteries, if necessary
  • Extra wheelchair batteries or other special equipment, if necessary
  • A list of the brand/style and serial numbers of medical devices
  • 医疗保险卡复印件
  • 医生名单
  • 紧急联系人和家人名单


定期回顾你的计划. Be sure to check your emergency supply kits and keep them updated. 紧急情况可以影响任何人, 但是要做好准备, you can make the decision to take an active role in you your safety and the safety of others.